The key signature for E-flat is two flats, B-flat and E-flat. To read balalaika sheet music, start by finding the key signature, which will tell you which notes are sharp or flat. The lowest note on the balalaika is the E-flat below middle C, and the highest note is the C two octaves above middle C. The middle register is played on the third and fourth strings, and the lower register is played on the fifth and sixth strings. The upper register is the highest sounding and is played on the first and second strings. Each register has its own set of strings, which are tuned to different pitches. The range of the balalaika is divided into three registers, or sections: the upper, middle, and lower. Sheet music for the balalaika is written in standard notation, with the treble clef used for the upper range and the bass clef for the lower range. The balalaika has a range of three octaves and is most commonly tuned to E-flat, A-flat, or D. It is usually played with the fingers plucking the strings, although some players use a plectrum. The balalaika is a traditional Russian folk instrument with a distinctive triangular shape.